Study Material for Bank Promotion Test

Last updated by Jai on June 27, 2020

If you have landed to this page, we understand that you are appearing for promotion in your bank in 2020. And you are not sure about which topics are covered in bank promotion test. And you are looking for Free Study Material for Bank Promotion test in 2019.  Study material for Promotion exams in banks is not generally available easily and for free.

We have created a course for bank promotion test, for the time being, which is FREE. You can enroll for the course.


We are providing you latest and free study material for bank promotion test. This study material would be helpful for promotion from Clerical to Scale 1, Scale 1 to 2 and Scale 2 to 3 or Scale 3 to 4.

Following are the topics covered in bank promotions, on which questions are asked. Click on the topic to view the related study material. Content of this page (or the given below topics) may not be updated. You are advised to check out the study material here