Nine GMs recommended for ED post by Bank Board Bureau
Nine candidates have been recommended by Bank Board Bureau for the post of Executive Directors in public sector banks. Following are the candidates identified and recommended by the BBB:
- A K Pradhan
- M K Bhattacharya
- S Hari Sanker
- A C Rout
- Fareed Ahmed
- Damodharan Neelam
- Swaminathan K
- P Ramana Murthy
- Atanu Kumar Das
The Banks Board Bureau is headed by former CAG Vinod Rai
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These recommendations are based on interactions held by the Banks Board Bureau with eligible candidates. The recommendations are for appointments to fill existing and future vacancies of executive directors in public-sector banks for 2016-17, the bureau said in a statement.
The government will conduct due diligence on the names recommended by the bureau before taking a final decision on the appointments.