Knowledge Hub

Scribbled Currency Notes are Legal Tender : RBIScribbled Currency Notes are Legal Tender : RBI

Scribbled Currency Notes are Legal Tender : RBI

There were rumors in the public that new currency notes of denominations of Rs.500 and Rs.200 having something scribbled on…

7 years ago
Clean Note Policy by RBIClean Note Policy by RBI

Clean Note Policy by RBI

Salient Features of Clean Note Policy by RBI: Do away with stapling of note packets Introduce banding the packets with…

7 years ago
6 things to know about Bharat QR payment method6 things to know about Bharat QR payment method

6 things to know about Bharat QR payment method

1. Who are behind the Bharat QR code MasterCard, American Express, National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) and Visa have…

7 years ago
How to pay using Bharat QR Code?How to pay using Bharat QR Code?

How to pay using Bharat QR Code?

The latest initiative to promote digital transaction, Bharat QR Code platform has been launched for making payment directly through bank…

7 years ago
CGTMSE Cover Limit increased to Rs.2 CroresCGTMSE Cover Limit increased to Rs.2 Crores

CGTMSE Cover Limit increased to Rs.2 Crores

On 31st December 2016, Prime Minister announced that coverage under Credit Guarantee Scheme will be increased to Rs.2 crores. Till…

7 years ago
How to send money using *99# (USSD)How to send money using *99# (USSD)

How to send money using *99# (USSD)

After the announcement of demonetization by PM Modi, need for going cashless and digital has increased. Today, there are various…

7 years ago
Micro Units – where to cover? CGTMSE or CGFMUMicro Units – where to cover? CGTMSE or CGFMU

Micro Units – where to cover? CGTMSE or CGFMU

Guarantee cover for manufacturing and service Mudra Units is available under CGFMU as well as CGTMSE eligible. So, from where…

7 years ago
Law of Limitation in BankingLaw of Limitation in Banking

Law of Limitation in Banking

Limitation period for recovery of Debt in India is governed by the Limitation Act, 1963. The Limitation Act, 1963 specifies…

7 years ago
Difference between Consortium Banking and Multiple BankingDifference between Consortium Banking and Multiple Banking

Difference between Consortium Banking and Multiple Banking

Difference between Consortium Banking and Multiple Banking is explained in this article What is Consortium Banking or lending under Consortium…

7 years ago
Priority Sector LendingPriority Sector Lending

Priority Sector Lending

There are some sectors of the economy, which may face difficulty in getting timely and adequate credit. To facilitate these…

7 years ago