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Supplementary Charter of Demand submitted to IBA

As per AIBOC Circular dated 13.09.2023, the officers’ associations today, submitted a Supplementary Charter of Demand to the IBA incorporating many more points based on the current scenario in the industry. The Supplementary Charter of Demand is as under:

  1. Wage revision in Catholic Syrian Bank and DBS Bank
     Wage revision to officers of Catholic Syrian Bank and DBS Bank (erstwhile Lakshmi Vilas Bank) on the lines of 8th Joint Note to be extended without further delay.
  2. Coverage of 9th Joint Note
     9th Joint Note should cover all public sector Banks, private Banks and Foreign Banks
  3. Officiating Pay:
     Restriction of minimum of 7 days for officiating in higher grade to claim officiating pay to be removed. Formula for computation of officiating pay to be rationalised.
  1. Dearness Allowance formula:
     DA on pension for all retirees to be updated and brought to a common Index Point
  2. Improvement in other allowances:
     Hill & Fuel Allowance: Places situated at a height of over 500 meters but less than 1000 meters.
     Lakshwadeep island to be included in page no 33 of our Charter of Demands under Special Allowance To North East , Sikkim, J & K , Leh And Ladakh, Andaman And Other Disturbed Areas.
     Introduction of Lunch Allowance
     Introduction of discomfort allowance for staggered/odd-hour duties for officers.
     Upward revision of project area allowance & split duty allowance etc.
  3. Medical Insurance Scheme:
    • Premium finalised to remain the same atleast for 3 years.
    • Common guidelines to be issued for Buffer coverage and increase in quantum of buffer.
    • More number of hospitals to be included under cashless scheme.
    • The stipulation of minimum 24 hours of hospitalization for reimbursement to be removed.
    • Reimbursement of pathological tests should be allowed even if there is no line of treatment/hospitalisation after tests in case the tests are made on the advice of the doctor.
    • Bank managements should handle all the claims instead of directing the officers to contact the TPA.
    • Grievances redressal mechanism to devised at all levels, which shall include the representatives of banks, union and insurance company.
    • OPD (outpatient treatment) expenses to be included for reimbursement under the medical insurance policy.
    • Reimbursement of dental treatment expenses like root-canal etc.
    • For Retirees minimum basic policy to be worked out and premium to be borne by the Banks. Premium for additional optional coverage can be paid by the retirees.
    • GST should be waived for premium on medical insurance of retirees, or it should be borne by the Banks
  4. Leave Rules:
    • The provision that “No leave can be taken as a matter of right” to be suitably modified so that leave is not declined unjustifiably.
    • As one grid policy is already on the cards, the leave available to officers in the branches and also of the Officers is different. The balance of holidays should be added to the account of the officer instead of any other compensatory exercise prevailing in the banks.
    • Increase in Casual leave mentioned in page no 42 of our Charter of Demands to be enhanced to 18 days.
    • Restriction on availment of maximum number of days of casual leave of 4 days at a time to be removed.
    • While computing Privilege leave, maternity leave/paternity leave and Special Leave availed may not be taken into account.
    • Under clause 5(b) of 8th Joint Note, women officers can avail sick leave for sickness of children upto the age of 8 years. The age ceiling should be revised to 15 years and the facility should be extended to male officers also.

• For sickness of “Special Child”, sick leave should be sanctioned to officers on production of medical
certificate irrespective of the age of the child.
• Grant of special maternity leave upto 60 days in case of still born or death of infant within 28 days of birth as per Government guidelines
• Balance of maternity leave to be permitted to be availed to attend to delivery of daughter/daughter-in-law upto 45 days and where maternity leave is not available, sick leave can be granted.
• Leave towards miscarriage/MTP/ etc., to be treated as over and above normal Maternity Leave entitlement.
• Submission of medical certificate to be waived for availing sick leave for minor ailments like flu, fever, etc for a max. period of 6 days. For this, number of occasions per year may be stipulated.
• Leave Bank: In case of death of an officer due to terminal diseases or after prolonged hospitalisation on account of major accidents, loss of pay suffered by him/her due to lack of leave at credit to be reimbursed to the family.[in addition to demands under (LEAVE BANK), Page 42]
• Increase in number of days of Special leave to office-bearers.
• Office-bearers shall be permitted to avail special leave in combination with other leave and intervening
holidays to be excluded.
• For Office-bearers and the Executive Committee members of the unions, notice period to be waived for availment of privilege leave.
• Introduction of ½ day leave upto 10 occasions a year

  1. Leave Fare Concession:
    • Parents should be automatic dependents irrespective of their income.
    • For officers working in North-east States, LFC should commence from Kolkata instead of Guwahati.
    • Partial encashment of LFC to be allowed.
    • Road mileage cost to be increased to Rs. 15/- per kilometre.
    • At the time of retirement from the Bank, officers to be allowed additional LFC for travel to his home town.
  2. Improvement in retirement benefits:
    • Last drawn “Pay” or 12 months’ average “Pay”, whichever is higher, should be taken for computation of Gratuity.
    • After 30 years of service, for every completed year of service, it should be 45 days, instead of 15 days.
    • For computing basic pension, it shall be either last drawn “Pay” or last 10 months’ average, whichever is higher.
    • Credit to NPS account on real-time basis.
    • An actuarial report on pension provisions in Public Sector Banks should be provided as mentioned in our MOU signed on 4.01.2021 that an actuary was appointed.
    • Qualifying service for full pension need not be stipulated as in Central Government Pension Scheme
    • Review of Regulation 46, 47 and 48 of the Pension Regulations, 1995
  3. Special problems of ex-servicemen:
    • Uniform guidelines to be issued for implementation in all the banks on fitment.
  4. Service conditions of women officers:
    • Declaring 8th March as holiday to mark International Women’s Day

• We demand Creche allowance for Women Officers till the time of establishment of Creche facility in addition to our demand for Establishment of Creche facility mentioned in page no 34 of Charter of Demands under Issues concerning to lady Officers.
• In cases of women officers facing Court cases due to divorce, separation etc., they may be exempted from transfers till the Court case is completed.

  1. Physically Challenged/Differently abled officers:
    • Transportation shall be arranged for differently abled officers to attend office and to return to their homes.
    • Introduction of separate Reimbursement of annual medical check-up expenses for physically Challenged/ differently-abledOfficers.
    • JOB software to be provided for visually impaired officers.
    • Special leave of 4 days to be increased to 7 days a year.
  2. Disciplinary Action Procedure:
    • Punishment should not be imposed till disposal of appeal.
    • Subsistence allowance during suspension period to be improved.
    • On reinstatement after suspension, the increments earned during the period of suspension to be released.
  3. Improvement in PLI scheme:
    Parameters under the PLI scheme to be suitably modified. Uniform guidelines to be given by IBA to all Banks
  4. Other demands:
    • Pension Regulations should be amended and updated as per Joint Note up to 8
    th Joint Note.
    • Any benefit passed on to workmen which consequentially bring disparity with the officers shall be addressed

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